dimecres, 20 de febrer del 2013



A lot of people have Facebook, but many people are against.
In mi opinion, Facebook is great. Firstly, because you can watch your friends photos, play games, chat with your friend, look for them... Secondly, if I don't have the homework, I can ask a friend. And finally, I like know about what are my friends doing.
So all in all, I think that it's a good think to have facebook, but with moderation.


Unit 1: Face to face

Vocabulary: adjectives

friendly - amistós

sensitive - sensible

intelligent - inteligent

ambitious -  ambicuós

determined - determinat

practical - pràctic

sensible - sensat

serious - seriós

curious - curiós

confident - segur de si mateix

active - actiu

innocent - inocent

tolerant - tolerant

intolerant - intolerant

shy - bergonyós

cheerful - feliç

mean - garrepa

generous - generós

Vocabulary: Verbs

smile - somriure

laugh - riure

sulk -emmurriar-se

joke - bromejar

cry - plorar

stare - mirar fixament

chat - parlar

shout -cridar

tease - pendre el pél

hug - abraçar

boast - enganyar

complain - queixar-se



Who was Rosa Parks?

Rosa lived in Montgomery in the southern stare of Alabama, USA. she was a respected member of the black community. She worked as a seamstress in a depertment store and took the bus to work every day. Because she was black, she had to sit in a separate secction at the back of the bus.

Rosa says "NO!"

THe 1 December 1955 was an ordinary day for Rosa. She was traveling home work when four white passegers got on the bus. The driver told four black passegers to give up their seats. Three of the passegers did, but Rosa refused. She said "NO!"...