divendres, 24 de maig del 2013

Oral presentation

Hello my name is Bàrbara and now I'm going to talk about: My dogs.

Let's start:

I have two dogs, one is Luba and the other one is Twiny. First I'm going to introduce you Luba.

Luba is a weimaraner, she is the first pet I've ever had and I love her so much. She's very big and some times scare people but she's so nice. Luba loves laying unther the sun, pleeping, runing, plaing with the people and eat our food, and she hates the water, the glasses, my other dog Twiny and going to the veterinary.

The other dog is Twiny. Twiny is quite difrent than Luba, she's smaller, more hairy and she's a Yorkshire. Twiny loves to eat, walking, sleeping and plaing with my sister and me, specially at night. And she is scared of everything especially of my brother Guillem. She was a Christmas present, I will never forget that day.

So here ends my oral presentation, thanks for your attention!!
A dog like Twiny!!

A dog like Luba!!

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